LHPS PSHE Curriculum Design

Guiding Principles

We want our children to Appreciate, Aspire and Achieve. We are committed to delivering PSHE curriculum, which provides children with the knowledge and skills they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to ensure children are equipped with the skills to build positive relationships and demonstrate respect for others. It gives children an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are part of being a good citizen and teaches them what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multicultural society.

Core Beliefs




A PSHE curriculum that develops every child’s ability to appreciate, care, respect and understand themselves, others and the world in which they live. A curriculum that also ensures that every child feels valued and cared for.

A PSHE curriculum that provides a range of opportunities, designed to empower every child to ‘dream big’ and develop a sense of what is possible for them to achieve now and in their future lives.

A PSHE curriculum that ensures all children have the skills, knowledge, attitude and social understanding to achieve in all aspects of their lives and equip them to become active and engaged citizens.

Curriculum Approach

Our mastery approach to lesson design is based upon our strong knowledge of pedagogy and our understanding of our children’s needs. This ensures that each lesson maximises both learning and our core beliefs of Appreciate, Aspire and Achieve.

Teachers ensure that PSHE development of each child is taught in conjunction with their citizenship skills and has a significant role in their ability to learn.

Teachers place high value on the importance of PSHE and Citizenship in preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Children are taught about the many emotional aspects of life and how to manage their own emotions.

The PHSE Curriculum progressively develops emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development through the application of a variety of teaching strategies to ensure children understand about good mental health and well-being.

Teachers take a mindful approach during PHSE lessons; ensuring learning is relevant to our children living in today’s world including addressing issues such as bullying, and internet safety. Staff are dedicated to supporting individual children in overcoming barriers to learning, including support for social, emotional and / or academic barriers.

Teachers ensure that they provide a safe, open and positive learning environment, based on trust and the importance of relationships between all members of the class, adults and children alike, ensuring children have no fear of asking questions.

Effective questioning is a crucial component of all our lessons. Key questions are planned to encourage children to think about their learning, to reflect upon previous learning and to make connections between new and existing knowledge.

We encourage adults and children to use both rich language and precise vocabulary, linked to the subject area that they are studying, so that they can better understand it and can then use this when reasoning, articulating and making generalisations.

All staff use a reflective approach to each lesson to evaluate learning and to plan next steps for all children. Improving children’s growth mind-set and resilience, is an essential part of our curriculum. Staff take time to understand what motivates children’s learning and the essential learning behaviours to help them achieve.

The school’s values of respect, responsibility, perseverance, honesty and sharing are embedded within the curriculum to empower our children to develop character.

Teachers use metacognition and self-regulation approaches to help children think about their own learning and teach them how to plan, monitor and evaluate their own knowledge, skills and understanding.

As part of our drive to improve children’s aspirations and intrinsic motivation for learning, enrichment opportunities within and outside school form an essential part of our curriculum.


Children’s knowledge, understanding and progress across all subject areas as well as their desire and ability to learn will be measured using a range of qualitative and quantitative strategies including: information from book scrutiny, performance data measured from starting point, lesson observations, drop ins, all stakeholder voice, collaborative research, use of external critical friends and self / peer evaluation.

By the time a pupil leaves Lunt’s Heath Primary School in Year 6, they will have the skills to be mindful citizens, able to lead healthy lives in the next stages of learning. They will have the ability to build healthy and meaningful relationships with others, observing their feelings as they happen, be without judgment of themselves and others and develop effective coping strategies to manage their own feelings and emotions, knowing when to seek help.


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Lunt's Heath Primary School

Wedgewood Drive, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 9RJ